Thursday, March 11, 2010


I have a project and a deadline in the real world, so I probably won't be able to blog for a while longer. Questions and comments on previous blogposts are still welcomed, however. (Be sure to include in the comment which specific post you're commenting on. Blogger doesn't provide that information and sometimes I can't find the comments after I've accepted them.)

In the meantime, I know you'll keep moving forward on your journey into good health.


Helen88 said...

In response to your recent posts on fats, esp omega 3 & 6, I am wondering about the practical application of this information. Would your advice still be that coconut oil is the best fat for us to use in cooking?

Stargazey said...

Hi, Helen88. So far, I'd say yes, coconut oil is the best to use for cooking. It is the most saturated of the fats and has the longest shelf life.

I anticipate that my next blogpost will be on oxidation and rancidification of fats. Briefly, the more unsaturated a fat is, the more vulnerable it is to oxidation. Exposure to light (storage in a clear bottle) and heat (such as cooking) and time (sitting on a shelf for months) help that happen.

We don't need to be fanatics about it, but in general fats should be bought in small quantities and used up quickly. In the U.S. there is usually an indication on the label of the saturated, mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fat percentages in any fat. Even if coconut oil isn't available, you can look for ones where the poly-unsaturates are fairly low.

Here's a list--scroll down to Fatty Acids in Dietary Fats.

The omega-3 fatty acids are by definition polyunsaturated, yet we should have a small amount of them every day. When they are taken as supplements, be sure to buy them in small quantities, keep them refrigerated, and use them up quickly.